Welcome to my Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday post. For over twenty-five years I have collected various spiritual and inspirational quotes and messages. My hope is that when you read these, you will pause and reflect. Perhaps you will share this post with a friend who just so happens to be in need of reading what I am sharing today.
Back in the 80’s, I wrote down 10 Steps to a richer, fuller life. I am not sure where I read these but do remember making them a daily part of my life. At some point I got away from doing these- so I am thrilled to begin again.
10 Steps to a Richer, Fuller Life
1. Pray the last thing at night before going to sleep. This simple act will give you a better nights sleep.
2. Pray the first thing in the morning. I like to say “Good Morning God” when I awake and then pray for my day asking God to accompany me throughout my day.
3. Pray for the world. Think about the issues facing our world and pray for a leaders to make right and just decisions. Don’t forget to pray for our soldiers.
4. Pray for others. Family, friends, co-workers- even those you hear about on the news.
5. Pray for our enemies. Separate the sin from the sinner. Hate the sin but forgive the sinner.
6. Ask yourself daily what you truly desire? I like to take this a step further and write down what I truly desire. When I speak it and write it down it helps me to bring my true desires to the surface.
7. Each and every day try at some point to be alone with self and God. Have a conversation with God and reveal to him what is in your heart and mind.
8. Each day try at least once to be consciously with people or a person and listen to their needs. It can be as simple as eye contact and a chat with the checkout person or to sit with a friend and listen intently to what they have to say.
9. Determine daily in one specific area to affect your environment. There are an infinite number of ways to positvely affect your environment. When I walk in the park, I like to pick up at least one piece of trash. When I am in a store, I like to pick up an item off the floor back on the shelf. When driving I like to let a car merge in my lane or pull out in front of me. At the grocery store, I like to grab a shopping cart from the parking lot and take it into the store. (Do you have something you do that is gratifying? If so, please comment and share it.)
10. Each day say a definite NO to some activity and a definite YES to another. When I first tried doing this it was much more difficult than I would have imagined. I find there are many opportunities to say no- but less to say yes. I can say no to a food, no to buying something, no to listening to gossip, etc. My yes’s tend to be to take care of something I might want to put off until tomorrow and to give myself permission to do something for myself. (To what might you say a definite no and a definite yes? Please share with a comment.)
Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving! …susan
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