Monday, November 30, 2009

Bathroom Towel Storage Options Series Part Three-Open Shelves

Welcome back to my Bathroom Towel Storage Option Series! This time we will look at various options for storing towels on open shelves in a bathroom.  Enjoy the very diverse designs shown in the photos below.  Blessings.  …susan


Source: Bathrooms by Chris Casson Madden

^The built-in shelves seen in the photo above serves many functions including a shelf for a television, audio controls, books, towel storage, and toiletries. I like how they used different colors of towels to enhance the shelves. I am not sure how functional and safe it is to have a lamp on the vanity counter. I do like the wall mount of the faucet instead of it being mounted on the vanity counter.


Source: Timber Homes Illustrated

^I am assuming on the opposite end of the vanity which is not seen is the same medicine cabinet with open shelf for towels as shown above. This will provide a generous amount of space for towel storage. Note on the left side of the photo is the bath tub and there is a basket with wash cloths.



Source: The Bathroom Idea Book by Andrew Wormer

^I like the thickness of the glass shelves shown above though I tend to shy away from glass shelves due to the fact the dust they collect is usually quite noticeable.


^Source Unknown-if you know the source and contact me I will note it.

I like these cubby holes created in the stone. Also not the side wall above the vanity is on an angle.  I like the long hardware handles used on the cabinets.


Source: The Bathroom Idea Book by Andrew Wormer

^An interesting design using an aquarium instead of a fireplace. Note there are more towels in the chest on the shelf above the aquarium which I assume are the wash cloths and hand towels.



Source: Bathrooms by Chris Casson Madden

^The glass shelves filled with floral printed towels shown above is a bit too busy for my taste though it offers another option for bathroom towel storage.


Source:  Bathrooms by House Beautiful

^An interesting and different kind of bathroom design that on first look appeared to me to be a his and her side with the towels and seated area dividing the two sides. Upon further inspection the wall behind the seated make-up area is a mirror. Note how the drawers are on an upward diagonal. Those look like some powerful lights mounted on the mirror above the make-up table.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Första ljuset tänt.. Har haft en riktig pysselhelg. Planterat hyacinter, hängt upp stjärnorna, bakat lussekatter, smakat årets glögg, shoppat hos Barnens Hus. Granen tar vi inte in förrän till julafton, men älskar traditionella juldekorationer, och fyller gärna på allteftersom jag hittar unika saker. Pottery Barn är som vanligt en av mina största inspirationskällor. Hoppas ni haft en mysig första advent. kramxx

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday November 29, 2009

Welcome to my Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday post. For over twenty-five years I have collected various spiritual and inspirational quotes and messages. My hope is that when you read these, you will pause and reflect. Perhaps you will share this post with a friend who just so happens to be in need of reading what I am sharing today. Going through my keepsake drawer I ran across an email forward I printed and kept dated 1999, It was from a friend named Darby. There is no source noted- so unfortunately I cannot give credit to the person who wrote this.  Lots and lots of wisdom in what this person has learned and shared with us. Blessings.  …susan

I’ve Learned-

I’ve learned- that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved.  The rest is up to them.

I’ve learned- that no matter how much you care, some people just don’t care back.

I’ve learned – that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I’ve learned- that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.

I’ve learned- that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that you’d better know something.

I’ve learned- that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the best others can do.

I’ve learned- that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

I’ve learned- that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I’ve learned- that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I’ve learned that you can keep going long after you can’t.

I’ve learned- that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I’ve learned- that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I’ve learned- that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.

I’ve learned- that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I’ve learned- that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I’ve learned- that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

I’ve learned- that sometimes the people you expect to kick when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up.

I’ve learned- that sometimes when I’m angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn’t give me the right to be cruel.

I’ve learned- that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.

I’ve learned that just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

I’ve learned- that you should never tell a child their dreams are unlikely or outlandish. Few things are more humiliating, and what a tragedy it would be if they believed it.

I’ve learned- that your family won’t always be there for you. It may seem funny, but people you aren’t related to can take care of you and love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren’t biological.

I’ve learned- that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that.

I’ve learned- that it isn’t always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you are to learn to forgive yourself.

I’ve learned- that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.

I’ve learned- that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I’ve learned- that just because two people argue, it doesn’t mean they don’t love each other and just because they don’t argue, it doesn’t mean they do.

I’ve learned- that we don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

I’ve learned- that you shouldn’t be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.

I’ve learned- that two people can look at the  exact same thing and see something totally different.

I’ve learned- that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will hurt in the process.

I’ve learned- that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don’t even know you.

I’ve learned- that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I’ve learned- that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.

I’ve learned- that the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.

I’ve learned- that it’s hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people’s feelings and standing up for what you believe.  

Source unknown- if you know the source and contact me, I will note it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

sova i tisha

bild från beach house och foto dreamhouse
Ni trogna läsare vet att jag älskar sängkläder, kan inte få nog. Beach House (klicka in) är ett företag som lanserat exklusiva sängkläder i jersey material. Tänk att kunna sova i din favvo t-shirt, helt och hållet! De är galet mjuka och såå lena, längtar tills ikväll när jag ska krypa ner i dessa sprillans nya lakan. Ett plus för den superfina förpackningen, känns lyxigt, coolt, originellt. Jag kommer även ge er kära läsare möjlighet till ett alldeles eget set, håll utkik så läggs utlottning ut inom kort. Hoppas ni får en underbar helg, med 1:a advent och allt. Vår lilla donna ska få uppleva sitt första lussekatt-bak. Vi har det så mysigt att jag knappt kan tro att det är sant. Lycka är ordet. kramar

Thursday, November 26, 2009

rödvit - jul

Hittade lite juliga favvosar hos indiska. Kudden skulle passa sig superfint i en kökssoffa.. om jag hade någon. Och glöggmuggen med den lilla skeden ser väldans söt ut. Det var dagens juliga tips. Mossan är nu plockad och har bett min man svänga förbi söta petras blombutik och hämta upp lite hyacinter, kransar och annat smått och gott som jag kan pyssla med imorgon. Hoppas ni har en skön vecka. xx

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


En lyxig choklad, ljuvliga espressokoppar eller en personlig nyckelring. Kika in är här hos elle decor för inspiration till julens klappar. Vi lär göra som förra året och köpa något litet till varandra, blir annars lätt att det känns som man bara byter pengar. Men älskar julklappsshopping (om den är kravlös dvs) med fikapauser alá varm choklad. xx

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Äntligen har de kommit! kan inte få nog av de här små rackarna. Gillar egentligen inte skumfigurer men det är något visst men juleskum..Och julmust.. har redan inhalerat ett antal liter, började i slutet av graviditeten men försöker nu hejda mig. Har promenerat i solen idag, grymt skönt att få igång kroppen. Drar barnvagnen stolt och känns otroligt härligt. Vardagen är egentligen sig lik, fast inte alls, tänk att det är ett litet liv här.. som är så beroende av en. Våran prinsessa växer så det knakar och kurvan går rätt upp. Precis som det ska vara. kramxx

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bathroom Towel Storage Options Series Part Two-Furniture

Continuing my Bathroom Towel Storage Options Series, this post will focus on storing towels in a piece of furniture in your bathroom. I hope the photos shown below give you ideas for your bathroom.  Blessings.  …susan


^Source: Great Baths Collection


^Source: Villa Decor by Betty Lou Phillips


^Source: Villa Decor by Betty Lou Phillips



^Source Unknown- if you know the source and contact me I will note it.


^Source: Beautiful Baths 2009

More posts to come so please check back!

välkommen in

bild från - klicka för större
En otroligt inbjudande entré. Lite inspiration till helgens startskott när det gäller pynt, för nästa helg lär det fixas och fejas runt om i alla hem. Sådana här bilder ger mig inspiration, inte bara i det här fallet gällandes juldekorationer, utan tittar på detaljer. Runt fönstren, fönsterluckorna, grindarna, dörren, pelarna vid entrén, t o m den gamla muren etc. Sparar i mappen. Måndag och ny start på veckan, hoppas ni har det bra. Här kikar solen fram. xx

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday Post November 22, 2009

Welcome to my Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday post. For over twenty-five years I have collected various spiritual and  inspirational quotes and messages. My hope is that when you read these, you will pause and reflect. Perhaps you will share this post with a friend who just so happens to be in need of reading what I am sharing today.

Back in the 80’s, I wrote down 10 Steps to a richer, fuller life. I am not sure where I read these but do remember making them a daily part of my life. At some point I got away from doing these- so I am thrilled to begin again.

10 Steps to a Richer, Fuller Life

1. Pray the last thing at night before going to sleep.  This simple act will give you a better nights sleep.

2. Pray the first thing in the morning. I like to say “Good Morning God” when I awake and then pray for my day asking God to accompany me throughout my day.

3. Pray for the world. Think about the issues facing our world and pray for a leaders to make right and just decisions. Don’t forget to pray for our soldiers.

4. Pray for others. Family, friends, co-workers- even those you hear about on the news.

5. Pray for our enemies. Separate the sin from the sinner. Hate the sin but forgive the sinner.

6. Ask yourself daily what you truly desire? I like to take this a step further and write down what I truly desire. When I speak it and write it down it helps me to bring my true desires to the surface.

7. Each and every day try at some point to be alone with self and God. Have a conversation with God and reveal to him what is in your heart and mind.

8. Each day try at least once to be consciously with people or a person and listen to their needs. It can be as simple as eye contact and a chat with the checkout person or to sit with a friend and listen intently to what they have to say.

9. Determine daily in one specific area to affect your environment. There are an infinite number of ways to positvely affect your environment. When I walk in the park,  I like to pick up at least one piece of trash. When I am in a store, I like to pick up an item off the floor back on the shelf.  When driving I like to let a car merge in my lane or pull out in front of me. At the grocery store, I like to grab a shopping cart from the parking lot and take it into the store.  (Do you have something you do that is gratifying? If so, please comment and share it.)

10. Each day say a definite NO to some activity and a definite YES to another.  When I first tried doing this it was much more difficult than I would have imagined. I find there are many opportunities to say no- but less to say yes. I can say no to a food, no to buying something, no to listening to gossip, etc.  My yes’s tend to be to take care of something I might want to put off until tomorrow and to give myself permission to do something for myself. (To what might you say a definite no and a definite yes? Please share with a comment.)

Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving!  …susan

Saturday, November 21, 2009

snart första ljuset..

ljus från nordal och
Tänk att nästa helg är det 1:advent! för oss, har av förklarliga skäl, november bara försvunnit..känns märkligt men skönt att vara bortkopplad från verkligheten. Ser fram emot att plocka fram adventsstjärnorna och ljusslingorna, lysa upp mörkret i fönstren. Utebelysningen runt altanräcket och kransar på ytterdörren. Och tända det första adventsljuset.. glögg och lussekatter, myys. Ska i veckan locka med mamma med barnvagnen längs skogsvägen och plocka lite kuddmossa. Vi myser på här hemma och våran lill-groda äter glupskt. Hon är bedårande och man kan inte se sig mätt på henne. Hoppas ni har en skön helg. xx

Bathroom Towel Storage Option Series Part One-Vanity

Welcome to my Bathroom Towel Storage Option Series. Over the next two weeks I will publish several posts showing options for bathroom towel storage. This first post will give you ideas for storing your bathroom towels in the bathroom vanity.  You will find some towels are folded while others are rolled. Enjoy! 


Source: Beautiful Baths 2008

^The white towels perfectly folded in the photo above add to the elegance of this vanity.  I think they would also look elegant if rolled.  Another option would have been a glass cabinet door.


Source Unknown-if you know the source and contact me I will note it.

^Don’t you think these open shelves add to the design of this vanity?


Source: Villa Decor by Betty Lou Phillips

^The blue towels stored in the open shelves above serve as an accent color for this blue and white bathroom. 


 Source Unknown-if you know the source and contact me I will note it.

^The double row of open shelves in the photo above is very spacious and provides many options for towel storage as well as other storage. There is plenty of space for folded or rolled towels. The baskets actually replace drawers. They could hold hand and wash cloths. The rest of the baskets could hold hair products, with another one holding make up, another hair dryers/curling irons/ flattening irons, etc. 


Source: Bathrooms by House Beautiful

^A large open shelf as shown above gives you lots of towel storage options. They have rolled the large bath sheets, made a stack of bath towels with wash cloths on top, and then made a stack of hand towels. One could add a small basket and put rolled wash cloths in it to offset the basket of bath brushes. Another interesting detail in the photo above is the towel bar located under what appears to be a medicine cabinet. Take a moment and think about how you would store towels on this vanity shelf.


Source Unknown- if you know the source and contact me I will note it.

^When I was looking for photos for this post, I ran across this one showing four cubby holes to store folded or rolled towels. An attractive option for storing towels. As I was studying this photo for this post, what caught my attention were the interesting sconces, the three-way mounted magnifying mirror and the shutter to cover the windows. Sometimes I find interesting elements in a photo I have chosen to support my post!


Source: Bathrooms by House Beautiful

Above is another option- this time it is storing towels on a rounded corner shelf.  The monogram adds a design element.


Source: Dream Baths

^Storing towels on an opens shelf under the sink in this photo is a great way to hide the plumbing. Additionally, I am wild about the drawer under the towels!

Of course you can always store towels behind a vanity cabinet door or in a vanity drawer.  Check back for Part Two of this series.  Blessings.  …susan

Friday, November 20, 2009

A One Day Offer-

My friend, Paula Owens, is the author of a book titled The Power of 4. Paula’s book is full of information that will motivate and educate you in your quest for optimal or better health.

Paula ownefrontcover0709

Don’t we all talk to ourselves or our friends about doing better with our diet and exercise. Almost always on the first day of each month I will make a commitment in my mind that I am going to treat my body as a temple and only allow nutritionally sound foods to enter. Some months I make it the entire month other months I don’t do so well. With the holidays upon us, we will all be tempted to reach for unhealthy foods. Some of us will just give in and think I will start a diet the first of the year; others will be mindful of our choices. Either way, Paula’s book will help you now or in the new year.

Paula is offering through a one day event today (November 20, 2009) where you can buy her book for $11.33.  Click here to link to that offer.  You can check out her website as well.  

Blessings and good health!  …susan

PS  My next post will begin tomorrow- a series on storing towels in your bathroom. 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

kung karusell

Måste tipsa om en superfin sprillans ny nätshop - kung karusell. Kika in, de har vad jag gillar- inspirerande bilder som skapar ha begär. Hoppas ni har en skön dag trots regn och rusk, till helgen blir det sol, säger de som vet. xx

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


inspiration från house to home
Åååh blir alldeles rörd av era varma gratulationer och lyckohälsningar! tuuusen tack. Läser varenda en, det är de här som gör en påmind om vad mycket ni läsare ger.. massa kramar till var och en. Vi befinner oss just nu i den beryktade babybubblan och det är alldeles fantastiskt. Har hämtat igen sömn och mår som en helt ny människa! Våran lilla prinsessa har fått ordning på magen så är en mkt lycklig och glad bebis. Vi myser liksom på bilden (likadant gökur här hemma, fast min är vit) med brasa, tända ljus, fika och tittar på massa film. Vi gosar igenom oss dagarna. Nu är det dags för lunch med våfflor och sen en tur med barnvagnen. Hoppas ni har en bra start på veckan. xx

Monday, November 16, 2009

Storing Wine In Your Kitchen: Mistakes to Avoid

As a follow up to my Storing Wine In Your Kitchen Series, I want to share with you some mistakes to avoid.

1. Make sure the openings for storing wine is deep enough so that the wine bottle doesn’t stick out too far.

2. Don’t make the opening so tight it only fits the standard size wine bottle (750 ml). The 1.5 liter size wine bottle (magnum) is also very popular and I recommend that your openings be able to fit both sizes.

3. Pay attention to the location of the kitchen windows and make sure sunshine will not shine directly on your bottles of wine.

4. If you store wine behind a cabinet door and want to be able to lock that cabinet, inform your builder/cabinet maker before the cabinets are made.

5. Consider any physical restrictions you might have that would prevent you from stooping over to retrieve wine stored below the kitchen counter or reaching high to retrieve wine stored above the kitchen counter.

6. If you have young children, make sure wine stored below the counter is located behind a door which can be locked with a key or childproof locks can be applied.

7. Though in the series I showed some photos of wine stored above the refrigerator, it is important to make sure the heat generated from the refrigerator motor does not reach that area as it can dry out the cork and spoil the wine.


Source of photo unknown

8. Avoid storing wine above an oven due to the heat that escapes when the oven door is open. IMG_0018

9. Ice makers generate a lot of heat so make sure if you are storing wine near an ice maker it will not be affected by the heat.

10. Spend time calculating how many bottles of wine you will be storing so you do not end up not having enough storage or you end up wasting space with too much storage.  In the photo below over 100 bottles of wine can be stored under the island. If you do not have that much wine, a better use for some of the space would be to add  cabinets, drawers, or shelves for cookbooks. IMG

Source: The New Smart Approach to Kitchen Design by Susan Maney

11. Make sure if you use decide to have individual storage using the criss-crossed design that the wood is substantial enough so it will not split or break.


Source: Kitchen Ideas That Work by Beth Veillette

My hope is that you enjoyed this series- giving you ideas and preventing mistakes!  Blessings.  …susan

PS I forgot my laptop at home when I left town this past weekend so I skipped my Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday Post.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Storing Wine In Your Kitchen Series Part Five-

Welcome to the final post of my Storing Wine In Your Kitchen Series. To view the previous posts, click here for post one, here for post two, here for post three, and here for post four.

During the time that I have been working on my Storing Wine In Your Kitchen Series, I happened to have dinner at Giovanni’s- which happens to be my favorite restaurant in Nashville. With wine storage options on my mind, I was drawn to the enormous wine bottles on display in the bar (see photo below-note in front are regular size bottles of wine to give you a visual comparison). I asked Giovanni if I could take a photo as he rattled off the names of the bottles and told me there are some that are even larger. I had seen a Jerobaum which is 4.5 liters and assumed that was the largest size. Little did I know. What about you, did you know there is a size called a Sovereign which is 25 liters and it pours 125 glasses of wine?  I could barely lift the largest one in the photo below and in comparison it is half the size of the Sovereign.  I cannot imagine anyone trying to lift and pour the Sovereign. I will ask Giovanni if it is used purely for display and if not, how is it poured and report back with the answer.


From the back row right-to-left is Nebuchadnezzar, Balthazar, Salmanazar, and the last two on the left are both Methuselah. It appears the second to last is larger due to the height but both are 6 liters. The diameter of the bottle on the left is extends higher to counter for the height. I placed standard bottles of wine in front of these monsters to give you an idea of the size of these bottles of wine.


Giovanni’s is located close to Vanderbilt University and Music Row.


Giovanni came to the United States from Northern Italy in the mid-seventies making New York City his new home.  He learned to speak English and in 1982, he opened his first restaurant in New York City. In 1994, he moved to 55th between 5th and 6th in 1994 and remained at that location until closing the doors this year. He opened Giovanni’s in Nashville in November 2008. Many Nashvillians were customers in his New York restaurant and became friends of Giovanni and his lovely wife, Nieda. In fact, he and Nieda, have had an apartment in Nashville for sixteen years. They now call Nashville their home.

Below is a list of 19 bottle sizes which gives you the name of the bottle, size, and number of glasses it will pour.

Number of Glasses

5cl to 25cl
Is used as a sample

1/4 of a standard bottle

1/3 of a standard bottle

Half bottle (or demi)
Also known as Split or Tenth

Same as Half
Loire Valley only

Standard bottle

2 standard bottles

Marie-Jeanne or Dame-Jeanne
In some areas it can contain 3l

Double Magnum
4 standard bottles

Burgundy and Champagne, Jeroboam is 3l
First king of Israel

In Burgundy and Champagne
Son of Solomon and King of Judah

In Bordeaux
8 standard bottles

Methuselah or Mathusalem
In Burgundy and Champagne
Patriarch in the Bible

12 standard bottles
King of Assyria

16 standard bottles
Regent of Babylon

Nebuchadnezzar or Nabuchodonosor
In Burgundy and Champagne
20 standard bottles
King of Babylon

In Burgundy and Champagne
24 standard bottles

Very rare

In Champagne, rare

A glass is 20cl of wine (0.21 US quart / 0.42 pint / 6.75 oz)

Liquid measurements
1 liter = 0.26 US gallon / 1.05 US quart / 2.11 pint / 33.8 oz
1 standard bottle (75cl) = 0.2 US gallon / 0.8 US quart / 1.58 pint / 25.35 oz

Source:: Terrior-France website

Thank you for visiting my blog. I would love to hear from you in a comment!  Blessings. …susan