Welcome to my Spiritual & Inspiration Sunday post. For the past 25 years I have collected quotes that inspired me. These quotes may be of a religious, spiritual, relationship, sports, motivational, or business nature. My hope is that the quote used in this post will resonate within you causing you to pause and reflect. Perhaps you will share it with that person who is in need of reading this very quote.
“The Lord leads us to troubled waters
not to drown us but to cleanse us”
Many times in my life I have found myself in “troubled waters” which has caused me feelings of despair, pain, fear, sadness, panic, hopelessness, etc. depending on the situation. These “troubled waters” may have resulted from the death of a loved one, an illness of a loved one, my job, my children, my friends, my relationship, or simply an everyday situation. When I was younger I found when I was in “troubled waters” it was quite disturbing and uncomfortable. As I matured, so did my faith. I learned that the Lord led me to “troubled waters” to teach me something, to prepare me for something better, or to even prevent something from happening. Now when I am faced with “troubled waters” I remind myself of two sayings that I have heard many times: “If God took me to it, God will bring me through it” and “when one door closes God will open another door”.
I have learned time and time again no matter how painful the situation, God will bring me through it. I have also learned when I think I know what is best for me and it does not happen, it ends up what I thought was wrong. I have learned to let go and let God though I must admit occasionally I still think I know what is best for me thus setting myself up for disappointment. If only I would remember to turn everything over to God then life would be simple.
At age twenty-nine, I remember attending my mother’s funeral and being so sad and shocked by her sudden death. She was only fifty-four and a healthy woman. I was divorced with an almost six year old and seven year old. At her funeral, I remember thinking if I can make it through this alone then I can make it through anything. In the “troubled waters” of her death, God taught me I had the strength to get through anything.
Have you ever been cleansed by the “trouble waters” in which you found yourself? Perhaps you were distraught because you did not get what you thought was your dream job only to be led to the real dream job. Please share your experience in a comment.
Blessings. …susan
PS Thank you for all the prayers and sweet comments and emails regarding my daughter’s surgery. The surgery went well and she is doing fine.
When I googled the quote “The Lord leads us to troubled waters not to drown us but to cleanse us,” I found many different sources. I am not sure which is the source from which I first heard the quote.
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