Saturday, July 25, 2009

Spiritual & Inspirational Sunday July 26, 2009

Welcome to my spiritual & inspirational Sunday post. Having collected quotes and scripture for over 25 years, my hope is that by sharing these quotes it will cause you to pause and reflect. Perhaps you will share a quote with someone who is in need of reading that very quote. 

On many Fridays for the past fourteen months I have assisted my close friend, Dr. Mark Houston, at his medical practice here in Nashville. His long time nurse wanted to cut back the number of days she works so he asked if I would come in on any Friday that I was available to assist. I take his patients from the waiting room, weigh them, find out what symptoms or reasons they have for being there, take their blood pressure, and if it is for an annual physical, I take their pulse and measure their waist circumference. (women should be under 35 inches, men under 40 inches).  

Dr. Houston is board certified in internal medicine, hypertension (high blood pressure), and anti-aging. He has a masters in nutrition. He hosts a hypertension and cardiovascular symposium in October where doctors can obtain continuing medical education. He is a big proponent of vitamins and supplements, often prescribing those to his patients not only for optimal health and anti-aging but to treat various illnesses. He also does hormone profiles and prescribes bio-identical hormones.

Knowing which natural supplements lower cholestrol, Dr. Houston created a product called LipidSirt using those components. LipidSirt became available about 8 months ago. In a three month study performed on patients with high cholestrol (these patients had not taken cholestrol lowering medicines and were given LipidSirt), LipidSirt lowered cholestrol and LDL by 25%.  He has another product that is soon to be released for lowering blood pressure called CardioSirt BP. In a pilot study, it lowered blood pressure by 15/17 mm HG. Athree month study will begin in October to see if those participants who are not on blood pressure medicines but have become hypertensive will see a drop in their blood pressure by taking CardioSirt BP. These type studies excite me especially when they show excellent results.

Working in Dr. Houston’s office is an incredible learning experience and very rewarding. Not only do I learn about the medical world but I get to interact with and learn about a diverse group of human beings. His patients are young and old, skinny and fat, fitness buffs and couch potatoes, healthy and sick, rich and poor, and they represent many different ethnic backgrounds. It is inspiring to actually see patients turn their lives around by changing their lifestyles and following Dr. Houston’s advice.

Yesterday, a husband and wife came in for the results of their physicals. The wife confided in me that she was very worried about her husband as his PSA was six. PSA is a prostate measurement and normal is 4.  Dr. Houston aggressively recommends further tests for most men if their PSA is greater than 4 and in younger men in lower levels if the rate of rise is too fast in a one year period. Her husband will be seeing a urologist on Tuesday.  As she shared her fears with me, I suggested she put them all in a box labeled God’s Box.  She said she tries to give them to God but finds she always wants to help God instead of totally letting go. I told her about my blog and suggested she check it out today as I would do a post on fear. This post is for her. I pray that her husband’s tests are accurate and benign. I pray that she gives God her fears and totally let’s go of them. Please consider saying a prayer for this couple.  Blessings.  …susan


F.E.A.R.  False   Evidence   Appearing    Real

“By expecting the worse, I cut myself off from hope”

“If I am fearful, I am disconnected from God”

“Never measure the height of the mountain until you reach the top.  Then you will see how low it is”  Dag Hammarskjöld

“Negative thoughts dampen my soul and I like sunlight”

If you have a favorite quote on fear please leave it in a comment. Thanks.

Look for the second post in a series on Mountain homes.

The source of these quotes is unknown. Please contact me if you know the source so that I may give credit.

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